My daughter at the beach. Apparently it's hard to text with boys in the sun.
When the tap is empty (in this case I had cleared the bar of all their Fat Tire), a sumo gets it up the ass.
How about we do this year's final number to....the "pechanga"?
OMG. This is what happens when little boys fight in the park and Carol is around. She didn't even know him!
Bad picture. But have you EVER seen an elevator so cavernous?!?!
Midget in the grocery store carrying a bag of dog food that was as big as him.
Stevie Wonder at the Maggie's.
Yes. That's a PIANO built into the wall. I could find no access to tune it.
My brother's hairy back mole.
My son at the ortho.
The bear lake beast. Anna said I had to put this one up.
Photographic evidence that my son was disobeying mother's orders and NOT wearing his coat. And no, I'm not a pedophile. I'm just a mother trying to prove a point by taking pictures from her car outside the school playground.
le f**k sin? Why would you f*&* sin? I embrace it! I love it!
Hot girl at a USANA concert standing on her chair.
Old man with a glow necklace in the car behind us.
Yep. That's right. Four aces with a deuce kicker. That one brings tears to my eyes!
Miles at a soccer game. He's bored.
Michael Jackson? Is that you? I didn't know there was enough plastic surgery in the world for TWO of them.
My brother came home. He thought he was hot. And yes, his tank is lime green netting.
My youngest's first roller coaster ride.
Chickens chasing tail.
Pussy on the bar. Only in SF.
Moose on a rampage.
And this was after they backed up a little. Yes, the railroad crossing arm is in fact ON the car.
I would have called it a honey pot.
My girls.
The groom was so proud he had the date of his wedding shaved into his head.
And here's the bride. Yes. They are AT THE BAR. ON THEIR WEDDING NIGHT. Can you say "class"? Yeah, I choked on it too.
The "joserbeast". I thought it was because the biker's name was Joe? Who knows, but it's mouth was painted red.
This random girl peeing standing up off Dead Horse Point. She should be arrested.
This is a picture of me. I took it for my friend Anna. To show her what I looked like in class the day after I had to go pick her drunk ass up in Sandy at one in the morning. And then take her back to her car at seven in the morning.
Kula wants to bag a cock.
Hello. He was flirtin' with Lixie.
Butt Bling.
My dog thinks she's human. She uses a booster seat cuz she's under five.
My daughter riding a pretend horse. That's also my older sister next to her. Ride 'em cowgirls. HA!
That's all for now. I think that's plenty.